Our Professional Liability Options
Whether you’re a consultant or work in the tech sector, professionals face unique risks and often require specially tailored liability policies, including data breaches or loss, injury claims, and work mistakes resulting in loss to clients. SeaFirst has access to a wide range of markets and products to address these needs.

Errors and Omissions Liability
This offers coverage for alleged mistakes from your work resulting in financial costs to your clients, also referred to as professional liability. General Liability policies specifically exclude this coverage.
General Liability
Coverage for damage to third party property/bodily injury claims, personal injury, tenant’s legal liability and much more. This coverage is also important for meeting many basic lease and subcontracted agreements.
Cyber Privacy Liability
Coverage for loss of data and the resulting business interruption costs, data breach notification, restoration of reputation after a data breach and much more. Data is another standard exclusion under General Liability policies.